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2022-05-05 19:13:29高一访问手机版357

Good-tempered what be? Good-tempered, it is enduring, it is others err forgive to his when the thing, and be not found out, not dispute, include as far as possible other. Nevertheless, good-tempered can not be indulgent, good-tempered it is well-regulated include; Indulgent no matter what others does,be it is right, namely the sort of include altruisticly. Einstein ever had said: “ is good-tempered the belief that means esteem others. ” is visible and good-tempered it how is important to have.


Remember once, I play in the village with my friend. When frolicking, my arm ancon struck his head not carefully, there is a fireplug on the side of happen to, his head bumps to fireplug. He falls on the ground, return on the head oozy blood. I cried, immediately to passerby ask for help, he was served an ambulance.


I see him to the hospital, arrived at the door ward, I think: He can scold me certainly, calculated, scold me to also deserve I walked into …… ward, sit on the chair, my makings decides his meeting blame I. But I consider a fault, he did not scold me, made call friendlily still instead with me. I cried again.


He says: “ elder sister, did not cry, am I to do not have a thing? Said again, the doctor says not bad rescue is seasonable, otherwise I should die really, thanks to you are seasonable to person ask for help, elder sister, did not cry, I am looked at afflictive. ”“ is good, did not cry. I wiped ” tear, but tear did not stop, cry badlier instead. This, I feel clearly the composition got good-tempered force.


Still be me once the thing of good-tempered others. My boudoir honey follows with respect to me in the home at that time two people. I plan to cut an apple to eat to her, when the result is cut, she came up against me not carefully, kill so that I cut a hand, my hand by lay off a cut. I did not cry.


She is anxious: How does “ do? Otherwise, my hand me also lay off one mouth, such equal! I say ” : “ is fastened! Go first in the drawer achieve but I had not said ……” , she had delimited. I say: “ alas, you how so stupid! Cannot be taken achieve can be you stuck? She says ” : “ also is then hey, I am taken now! ” one's voice in speech just fell, her disease pace goes to the front of the drawer, pull open a drawer, took out inside achieve can stick. But achieve can stick a remnant. She asks: How does “ do? I get cut, it gives you! ” but I refused, and achieve can stick the hand that is stuck in her to go up. I did not get angry not only, still achieve can stick her, a warmth felt instead in the heart.


Good-tempered very important really to one the individual's bearing. If you do not know good-tempered others as a child, so later, also meet without the person condonable you. That word that still remembers so that mark twain says? “ steps on a foot on the leaf of the violet when you, it wears perfume on your foot however. ” is an upright person should know good-tempered, not dispute, do not find out, trouble a bit lesser, much portion smile.
