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2022-05-13 15:21:29话题作文访问手机版268

These days we but busy, because 61 Children's Festivals were gotten on for, teachers are preparing meticulously with classmates.


Tonight, I and mom prepared the congratulatory speech tomorrow together, because I and Liu rain free are compere! I thank group classmates to choose me very much when compere, give me this chance that take exercise! I can be our group win honour for certainly, the composition is us 2 · 8 win honour for!


“ the cradle that June is childhood, june is the dream of childhood, june is the fertile soil of childhood, june is the sun of childhood, june is a song of childhood, a happy song ……” this is the congratulatory speech that I prepare, cheer everyday!


Make us collective wish, the young associate of the whole world people 61 joy!
