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2022-05-10 16:40:25二年级访问手机版177

Have there is a lively creek in a thick woods, he is singing pleasant song everyday. Towards in front run. The sun is illuminated come over, good-looking like gold.


One day, brook is singing again. Abrupt, a flock of beautiful small fish swim, ask brook: How are you singing “ everyday lively song, the thing with happy what to have? ”


“ has of course! I just am singing happy song everyday. ”


Brook is singing a song livelily again. Abrupt, a of the composition on the bank grotesque stone asks: There also is happy issue in “ your heart? ”


“ is of course! I just am singing lively song every day. ”


Once, brook is singing again, the floret on the bank saw, ask him: Is there lively thing in “ your heart? ”


“ has thing of very much very much lively hair of course, I just am singing lively song. ”


Original, the song that brook sings is so lively, there are a lot of happy issues in his heart!

