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2023-02-18 22:35:21四年级访问手机版395

I have a very laborious grandma, my grandma can cook, can wash clothes, can patronize a person, can cut hair ……


The grandma is the family is the most laborious, she got up at 6 o'clock every morning, cook breakfast for everybody, wait when everybody rises, she has gotten on meal end to everybody table, all the year round such, the grandma washs clothes even, pull the land, seam the dress, do various household work, receive I and little brother even, the grandma has handle edge housework to do ability to be able to go out to play entirely alive only.

奶奶是全家最勤劳的,她每天早上6点就起床,为大家做早饭,等大家都起来之时,她已经给大家把饭菜端上桌子,一年四季如此,奶奶还要洗衣、拖地、缝衣服,做各种各样的家务活,还要接我和弟弟,奶奶只有把手边家务活全部干完才会出去玩。[ ZUowEnbA.Net ]

The grandma knows I love to eat steamed stuffed bun, one day, the preparation that there is an uncle to buy in freezer eats the hotpot of noodle, because have bit of case, hotpot did not eat, the grandma says: Does “ want not to want to eat hotpot steamed stuffed bun? ” my truly ponders ground answer: “ thinks of course, the grandma understands me most. It is good that ” passed a little while, the grandma has been done, end arrives in front of me, I hear: “ is very sweet. ” sees me eat with pleasure appearance, the grandma says: “ has time later, wrap steamed stuffed bun to you. ”


Once, the grandfather says the hair grew to need to cut, the grandma agreed readily, next grandma slow work yields fine products, cut very long, cut to the grandfather eventually gave good-looking hairstyle, grandma of grandfather straight boast is cut well.


Grandma or I see the most kind-hearted person that pass, most the person that is happy to help a person, had helped all kin in the home, popularity is immense.


The grandma is the person that our home loves to work most, altruistic and consecratory, do not seek get one's own back, I love my grandma!


Li Yaxi / 46
